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Advice & Guidance

Garden Advice

Do you want to renovate your garden yourself and need advice? Don’t hesitate to contact me to schedule an appointment. During our meeting, we will have a look at the current situation, discuss what you want and the works to be done. It is also possible to ask for a written report.


Coaching green and neighbourhood initiatives

Do you have a green idea for your neighbourhood and are looking for an external consultant to guide you in it? I would be happy to help you realizing the project.


Creative workshop on nature education

I like to create tailor-made educational and creative workshops for teams or classes in which your senses are stimulated. I enjoy working with teachers, artists, musicians or chefs to create a unique experience. Imagine, for example, a tasting of flowers or forgotten vegetables... Would you like to know more about the options? Contact me and I will be happy to think along with you!

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